if you book from our web site

  • Best rate guaranteed. ALWAYS!
  • Free internet at the hotel and on the beach
  • Park + including day use on the day of departure only for our direct customers
  • SUPER 10% DISCOUNT for those who have lunch in our new beachfront bar

Pista Azzurra Go Kart in Jesolo

Pista Azzurra Go Kart in Jesolo

Among the first tracks to be built in Italy and subsequently modified to the actual circuit, in the world of international karting, the Pista Azzurra is a true and genuine icon. During the course of these fifty years the Pista Azzurra has witnessed races with the best pilots of international karting, many of which having arrived at the top of the F1 car racing circuit.

Still today, thanks to its highly technical circuit, the Pista Azzurra is considered a testing ground to measure the quality of speed and the preparation of the vehicles on behalf of new pilots. It remains however an excellent alternative activity for all our guests, given the vicinity of our hotel (only 1 km away), for a holiday in Jesolo not only with peace and quiet, but with a boost of adrenalin!

The Pista Azzurra has, in addition, hosted events of various kinds: from the Festivalbar music festival to ‘Ferrarissimo’ (a national meeting of Ferrari enthusiasts), to various motorcyclist, rallies, the last of which being the Bike Week, demonstrating to have multifunctional skills capable of meeting the requirements of all different types of events.